Thursday, January 12, 2012

My name is Tim Kramer and one of my main goals in life is to be a Chicago fireman. I'm pushing six feet tall and four inches shorter than my 21 year older brother Tom so that kinda blows. Tom tested onto the Chicago fire department over this last summer and scored high enough to be chosen to work within this next year. Our father is a fireman. It sounds selfish but i was forced into going to college here. I chose western michigan because lots of my friends go here not because I was looking for the best school possible with my degree. I never had another career path in mind ever since I can remember which lead me to change my major twice and I just started my second semester. I've suddenly realized I've gone way too far on my introduction. Let's rap things up. I'm in pre nursing now because a hospital is the closest thing i can get to the fire department. I like western michigan. I like fishing. I like poker and gambling all of my money out of my pocket. I'm bad with investments and video games. I've never met a better cook. I can make Sinatra look like a chump. I quit playing golf for my high school because my coach Stan Kastelic was a pushover. I hate you Stan and i hope you see this. I picked up playing rugby, tore my ACL, never played sports since. :)
Here's a link to some of the worst food in chicago. Don't click on it, don't read it, forget about it. Chicago is known for good food so fancy executive chefs from across the country move to the city and open up some dumpy four or five star restaurant that will charge you $100-$300 a couple. Big deal. It's a shame when i google chicago food blog I'm stuck with links with bloggers ranting about how awesome and mighty "Woodfire" and "Fogo De Chow" have become. Both of these restaurants will charge you individually $75 a pop for some weak food. I couldn't find any blogs with "Johnny's beef" "Al's beef" or  "Fat Johnny's". Those are three of the most well know hot dog stands throughout the city. A line out the door is what you expect when you head to any of these joints, unless you're at "Fat Johnnies" which is literally a shed with a window and a fat man behind that window that serves you the greatest sandwich known to man. $10 tops is what you will spend for the biggest meal for yourself all week. Chicagoans like myself are picky for their food and I can go on for days about this nonsense but stay away from the loop's so called "hot spots" if you don't want to burn a whole in your pocket for some dirt cheap worthy food.

I chose a laid back type of writing. Local newspaper journalists inspire me whether they're high school football journalists or food critics around my neighborhood. I want to get the word out there about what chicago food is really about. Hot dogs get boring sometimes but these are just basic examples of how we like to eat in my city. I could name breakfast  spots and the best seafood dives in town but I would be typing for days. My audience that would appreciate this the most would have too be tourists. Dark humor is involved and you can tell i don't like pricey restaurants

1 comment:

  1. Tim-
    While I found your post interesting, you failed to analyze the example blog that you discuss. Make sure in your future analyses that you discuss all of the elements of the rhetorical situation.
